06-04-2021, 03:52 PM
It's interesting to see the variability and success/failure rates of people's efforts to overcome the difficulties of logging in - see today's post by Nick Turley. I can access the Forum via Google Chrome (NOT my default browser) and have not needed to 'log in' since as it never seems to 'log out'. Previously (i.e. before theMyBB saga started) my logging in via Safari (14.0.3 - which IS my default browser) using MacOS (10.14.6) was always a bit laboured, and which logged me out automatically after just a few minutes unless kept alive by constant use. Strange things these computer gadgets, a bit like modern cars under the bonnet...
KBO as Churchill allegedly was wont to saying.
KBO as Churchill allegedly was wont to saying.
True satisfaction is the delayed fulfilment of ancient wish