03-04-2021, 10:16 PM
Thanks Nick!
I will put a few miles on it & check again with an extension or borrow a decent long torque wrench.
I recall in my youth (1957!) removing a shaft from a scrap top hat saloon that had been dumped in the grounds of RMASandhurst and we used a handy scaffolding tube to unscrew the nut! After all the effort the shaft turned out to be too short for our saloon! Bought a new one in its wrapper from a garage in Farnborough I think it cost 17/6d ....the original price on the ticket.
That saloon is still on the register as an Ulster......
I will put a few miles on it & check again with an extension or borrow a decent long torque wrench.
I recall in my youth (1957!) removing a shaft from a scrap top hat saloon that had been dumped in the grounds of RMASandhurst and we used a handy scaffolding tube to unscrew the nut! After all the effort the shaft turned out to be too short for our saloon! Bought a new one in its wrapper from a garage in Farnborough I think it cost 17/6d ....the original price on the ticket.
That saloon is still on the register as an Ulster......