05-02-2021, 12:24 AM
Stop me if you've heard it (!) but my favourite Memory jokes are : 1 I believe in the hereafter. Every time I go into a room I ask "what am I here after?" 2. A man ran into a married couple he hadn't seen for years and after reminiscing for awhile, he asked the husband how he was coping with the memory loss he had. "Don'rt have a problem any more, I can recall everything now, anytime. He was asked how he'd achieved that & was told he went to a great Memory school, which cured him. The single man then asked for the name of the memory school, for his own future reference. "The name of the memory school, the name of the memory school ..... " then went blank. He then said "You may be able to help me here - what's the name of the tall flower that has thorns up it's stem?" "Rose?" was the reply. "Of courrse - it's Rose, thank you for the prompt" He then turned to his wife and said "Rose, what's the name of that memory school?" All the above occurs too often to be really called Jokes. Cheers, Bill in Oz