21-12-2020, 10:21 PM
I have quite a few 4 1/2" / 115mm angle grinders as it saves a lot of time not having to change disc types: e.g. cutting to grinding to sanding etc. The grinders I have are all sorts of makes/models as they get replaced when the magic smoke escapes. But the ones that I am best pleased with recently for the money are these: https://www.screwfix.com/p/erbauer-eag90...240v/763fv
The soft start is a nice feature, especially when you're working in a tight space where the 'kick' when starting up could lead to unintentionally attacking some nearby expensive part with the disc.
The soft start is a nice feature, especially when you're working in a tight space where the 'kick' when starting up could lead to unintentionally attacking some nearby expensive part with the disc.