17-12-2020, 04:13 PM
Interesting discussion, which I am pleased to see. Picking up on Chris KC's comments, I had already been thinking about the issue, perhaps in the broader context of copyright generally. It is an area that I tried to look at and understand some years back when we started the Archive Project. Sadly, it proved to be a minefield and far too much to take in by a bear of small brain. Even if I had managed to acquire the lot yesterday, would I have acquired copyright with them and, therefore, the right to publish on the web site? Of that, I am less certain. I had a conversation with a great supporter of the Archive's aims and potential donor/loaner yesterday evening on this very topic (though to be clear, he wasn't necessarily trying to protect his images, more it was an abstract discussion about the topic in general)
I think it important that such images be 'recorded' in the Archive first of all, decisions about publishing them can then be made on a case by case basis.
Yes, I do know Helmut and watch his postings with delight. However, I think such things must be sailing close to the wind from a copyright standpoint. One sees that all over the place on the Internet - particularly YouTube where films scraped and acquired from any source seem to be fair game. And don't get me started on the Australian Ebay provider of motoring photos that seems to churn out any old image he can find without a care in the world. Although I see nice pictures from him from time to time, I refuse to purchase them and support the rather 'dodgy' business practices...
Back to the original lot. I fear that if someone was prepared to pay such an inflated amount for *that* set of images, they will be squirreled away, never to see the light of day until the Executors and the Auctioneers have another field day...
I think it important that such images be 'recorded' in the Archive first of all, decisions about publishing them can then be made on a case by case basis.
Yes, I do know Helmut and watch his postings with delight. However, I think such things must be sailing close to the wind from a copyright standpoint. One sees that all over the place on the Internet - particularly YouTube where films scraped and acquired from any source seem to be fair game. And don't get me started on the Australian Ebay provider of motoring photos that seems to churn out any old image he can find without a care in the world. Although I see nice pictures from him from time to time, I refuse to purchase them and support the rather 'dodgy' business practices...
Back to the original lot. I fear that if someone was prepared to pay such an inflated amount for *that* set of images, they will be squirreled away, never to see the light of day until the Executors and the Auctioneers have another field day...