16-09-2020, 06:23 AM
(15-09-2020, 11:06 PM)Zetomagneto Wrote: Hi Colin Wilks sounds like a bad rebuild, odd pistons, ovality on a reground crank less than 001”
on a reground crank is unacceptable it should be round. Tight bearings, I would be inclined to take the crank and rods to a machinist who can measure the crank, then bore the big ends, at least they will then be parallel and round. If the crank has ovality less than a though getting it ground so that it is round
might give you sufficient clearance. You need someone who can accurately measure the crank, and big ends, and then decide on the best course of action. Plastigauge is good for checking clearance but only does so at one point, it won’t tell you of ovality in either component.
As things stand I fear you are headed for another short lived engine, you don’t want that particulary
with 2 cars sans engines
Ignore the bodger dodges, do it once, do it properly.
Best Wishes
Very sensible words.