15-07-2020, 01:27 AM
John - Unless i'm misunderstanding your question, there should be no need to cut into your Nippy shell. It's confusing I know, but the "Short" shell is exactly the same length as the "taller" Nippy one - the difference being the Short shell 's bottom edge hangs below the chassis nose bracket, the "Tall" shell's bottom edge sits on the front edge of the casting/forging?, thus making the top of the Nippy panel 1 1/2" higher from the ground. At worst you only need two holes in the bottom of your shell to fit over the U bolts sticking up. There should be no problem with adjusting the side mounting bolts to align the shell to fit the bonnet. Re the latter, I'd suggest you replace your fabric "Gasket" with a rubber lipped one. Apologies if I got the probelem wrong. Good Luck & Cheers, Bill in Oz