06-07-2020, 02:43 AM
Tony it appears that the previous owner has started new covers so the stitching should be fairly robust still. You do need to fill the pleats or the cover will be flat and feel lumpy. This can be achieved by marking out on to a single piece of calico, parallel lines 60mm apart (after sewing the calico the pleats will shrink in width). Sewing in the manner of your second photo, note the fine allowance but do not be tempted to cut down his leather. The aim here is to keep to the edge of the generous leather sewing allowance and avoid HIS stitchline, double sewing a line in leather weakens the leather. The pocket for filling also becomes a little larger .
All of the preamble assumes HIS leather pleats to be about 60mm certainly greater than 50.
Yes you will need to fill the pleats and a 12mm layer of felt would not go astray.
Andrew TOP sewing leather onto half inch foam carpet underlay and then BACKSEWING with a very fine allowance, gives a suprisingly good appearance when doing 2" pleats.
Bruce old stitching gets rotten and often fails, restitching is the only cure. Leather gets brittle so you need PLENTY of leather dressing applied to the underside Cos it's more porous. Use a smaller needle and adjust your stitch length to match the original because extra holes WILL cause old leather to tear.
All of the preamble assumes HIS leather pleats to be about 60mm certainly greater than 50.
Yes you will need to fill the pleats and a 12mm layer of felt would not go astray.
Andrew TOP sewing leather onto half inch foam carpet underlay and then BACKSEWING with a very fine allowance, gives a suprisingly good appearance when doing 2" pleats.
Bruce old stitching gets rotten and often fails, restitching is the only cure. Leather gets brittle so you need PLENTY of leather dressing applied to the underside Cos it's more porous. Use a smaller needle and adjust your stitch length to match the original because extra holes WILL cause old leather to tear.