25-06-2020, 10:28 AM
jpsmit Wrote:However, all would fit so much better if I could remove the crank and the gear lever.
I presume the gear lever is just a matter of the 4 nuts holding the top of the panel on the transmission?
Similarly, is there a way to remove the crank from the front end?
I assume the gearbox is three speed? Four speeds have 6 bolts

Storing the gearbox "open" will invite dirt, insects and rodents to fall inside. I had an openĀ 12/4 axle in my shed, when I pulled it out, a oil sodden mouse corpse oozed out...yuk! Better to make a cardboard cover to keep the box closed. An evenĀ better answer is to make an aluminium or sheet steel cover.
The top cover will release easily and there are no springs to catch you out.
I take it that, by the term "crank", you are referring to the starting handle? The "crankshaft" resides deep in the engine, too deep to trip over.
The starting handle is retained on the shaft by a bicycle type cotter, that can be knocked out and the handle removed. The aluminium housing that takes the starting handle shaft is secured to the crankcase with 1/4W bolts and can be removed but this operation will open the engine to invasion by the aforementioned dirt, insects and rodents. A cover would be more difficult to fabricate for this position. The dynamo housing will need to be removed as well....