17-06-2020, 07:14 AM
Thanks fellahs
The old films of industry are fascinating as no shields to block the view; industrial accidents and health effects must have been on a grand scale. The forged metal is mightily worked. In the diff casting (presumably malleable iron) what were the pins inserted?
I have seen steel flowing as water at local steel plant and it is an impressive sight. I trust whoever designed the hook for the molten steel bucket was not the steering arm designer.
The old films of industry are fascinating as no shields to block the view; industrial accidents and health effects must have been on a grand scale. The forged metal is mightily worked. In the diff casting (presumably malleable iron) what were the pins inserted?
I have seen steel flowing as water at local steel plant and it is an impressive sight. I trust whoever designed the hook for the molten steel bucket was not the steering arm designer.