27-04-2020, 10:19 PM
In the OP there is one thing which is not clear to me, you say it has a new jet but you refer to a needle as a jet also. If the jet and for that matter the needle is worn, which a lot are from poor centerings over the years you are completely wasting your time trying to get a tickover which is not overly rich. And to set an SU up correctly you must first get the idle mixture correct, then correct the mixture elsewhere in the engines range with alterations to the needle size, NOT by raising or lowering the jet as so many people do. That approach may get you a reasonable mixture at a specific point in the range but I can guarantee it will not be optimum elsewhere, and if you do not have optimum mixture you will not have optimum performance, I don't care what anyone says this point has been proven time and time again.
Black Art Enthusiast