When I put my meter across the terminals of the dynamo with the engine running it read 10-14v! It is a 6v dynamo. I did not run it for many seconds, nor was I tempted to touch the cut out!
Thanks for all advice....I am not an electician!! The rewire was done with the aid of a very competant auto electrician who, drawing on rally car wiring, succeeded in wiring up the headlights with relays ( they double dip using the original tiny dip switch on the column, but are not Lucas Graves any more!) The car did charge correctly when we started up after the rewire, so it is a gremlin in there somewhere...I did have a go at the switch panel to clean it up......so( too ) many variables!
Thanks for all advice....I am not an electician!! The rewire was done with the aid of a very competant auto electrician who, drawing on rally car wiring, succeeded in wiring up the headlights with relays ( they double dip using the original tiny dip switch on the column, but are not Lucas Graves any more!) The car did charge correctly when we started up after the rewire, so it is a gremlin in there somewhere...I did have a go at the switch panel to clean it up......so( too ) many variables!