07-04-2020, 02:34 PM
The 45 degree cross hatching you've seen comes from using a Delapena style rigid hone after the cylinder has been bored; not really something either needed or easily reproduced in a home workshop. The ball hones work well though and are massively quicker than using one of the three legged spring loaded devices to do the job.
I use 180 grit Flex-Hones (their trade name) on cylinder bores. It might be worth checking out how much the one you'd need for an A7 block -the 2 1/4" size- would cost shipped from the USA; the prices from the UK supplier were utterly usurious last time I checked.
Pretty well all of my Flex-Hones came from this ebay seller https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-1-4-Engine-Cylinder-FlexHone-Flex-Hone-Hone-180-grit/352839388050?epid=1029632980&hash=item5226ddcb92:g:9loAAMXQBwlRW9P~ the postage works out cheaper if you are buying several sizes/units at the same time. Usual disclaimer, only a customer etc. applies
I use 180 grit Flex-Hones (their trade name) on cylinder bores. It might be worth checking out how much the one you'd need for an A7 block -the 2 1/4" size- would cost shipped from the USA; the prices from the UK supplier were utterly usurious last time I checked.
Pretty well all of my Flex-Hones came from this ebay seller https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-1-4-Engine-Cylinder-FlexHone-Flex-Hone-Hone-180-grit/352839388050?epid=1029632980&hash=item5226ddcb92:g:9loAAMXQBwlRW9P~ the postage works out cheaper if you are buying several sizes/units at the same time. Usual disclaimer, only a customer etc. applies