05-03-2020, 08:10 AM
Pah, hairdressers! At least I hope your uncle showed you how to start in on the handle. My dad sent us out to syphon petrol out of the fuel tanks of rich people's cars to fill the blowlamp, then we had to chip bits of flint for a spark to fire it to get the hot bulb glowing...... In them days the vicar drove a Trojan, it was very slow and took him so long to get to church that the bride was often pregnant before the wedding. Then again, two old ladies at the bus stop just told me that some European airlines have gone broke and stopped flying. Bad news for Trimotor spotters in Herefordshire then, no more sitting outside the Nissen hut at Shobdon with the Ian Allan book of Lufthansa planes. Will it ever stop raining, or should I just stop typing, put on sou'wester and oilskins, and go down to the workshop. Universal chorus of "Go to the workshop!"