Tony, Ruairidh, I whole-heartedly agree!
The problem is that getting to your destination will become increasingly difficult.
At present it may mean no more than having to risk your neck on the motorway to avoid entering city limits, but it's getting worse.
For example: It's highly unlikely that I'd choose to spend a holiday in Grenoble (last time I was there I got run over by a bus...)
Say though I was heading for the high alps or the Cote d'Azur, I'm then faced with the problem of how to get around Grenoble given that the zone includes not just the city centre but also the main road south.
It's quite a significant detour to avoid it (precisely the reason they need to impose traffic restrictions, I imagine).
I don't want to sound alarmist, but the French ZPAd's will cover entire regions, and once the map starts to look like this (below) getting from A to B could become seriously difficult.
Capturez.JPG (Size: 26.83 KB / Downloads: 180)
The problem is that getting to your destination will become increasingly difficult.
At present it may mean no more than having to risk your neck on the motorway to avoid entering city limits, but it's getting worse.
For example: It's highly unlikely that I'd choose to spend a holiday in Grenoble (last time I was there I got run over by a bus...)
Say though I was heading for the high alps or the Cote d'Azur, I'm then faced with the problem of how to get around Grenoble given that the zone includes not just the city centre but also the main road south.
It's quite a significant detour to avoid it (precisely the reason they need to impose traffic restrictions, I imagine).
I don't want to sound alarmist, but the French ZPAd's will cover entire regions, and once the map starts to look like this (below) getting from A to B could become seriously difficult.
Capturez.JPG (Size: 26.83 KB / Downloads: 180)