20-02-2020, 06:19 PM
I see you went fancy with your tonneau Howard! I merely stretched mine over the top of the steering wheel.
The role of psychology is often overlooked in security arrangements. I used to backpack around some fairly lonely parts of India with a sizeable padlock and chain around my rucksack. It projected a clear message that yes, I was aware of the risk of theft and prepared to meet it; but also diverted attention away from my valuables, which were invariably stashed inside my clothes somewhere. The greatest defence in my experience is the friendship of those you meet along the road. The huge majority of people respond to openness, kindness and honesty with the same in return. Anywhere there are too many people to engage on a one-to-one level you are probably better off out of there anyway. Visibly hovering over a car and covering it with clamps and locks projects a smell of fear and sets people's minds on another track. Just my two penn'orth...
The role of psychology is often overlooked in security arrangements. I used to backpack around some fairly lonely parts of India with a sizeable padlock and chain around my rucksack. It projected a clear message that yes, I was aware of the risk of theft and prepared to meet it; but also diverted attention away from my valuables, which were invariably stashed inside my clothes somewhere. The greatest defence in my experience is the friendship of those you meet along the road. The huge majority of people respond to openness, kindness and honesty with the same in return. Anywhere there are too many people to engage on a one-to-one level you are probably better off out of there anyway. Visibly hovering over a car and covering it with clamps and locks projects a smell of fear and sets people's minds on another track. Just my two penn'orth...