27-01-2020, 09:12 AM
Erich - I think it would be fair to say that a lot of owners have been concerned with keeping cars going and enjoying them and not worrying so much about other things. Conversely, some like me that count rivets never have any bloody time left to actually enjoy the things in the real world.
For the Nippy, I've attempted to get a self score checklist together so you could assess your own car for originality or returning it to something approaching what it formerly had. But I'm not quite sure it helps as it just means you need to know Chris Gould'd book and the Nippy archive site in entirety. If anyone wants to trial it so it can be developed a bit further, let me know!
For the Nippy, I've attempted to get a self score checklist together so you could assess your own car for originality or returning it to something approaching what it formerly had. But I'm not quite sure it helps as it just means you need to know Chris Gould'd book and the Nippy archive site in entirety. If anyone wants to trial it so it can be developed a bit further, let me know!