21-01-2020, 09:42 AM
As with many others, one in the fun car, one in the regular car, one close to the kitchen and a bloody big one in the garage. I personally take fuel fires seriously. In my working life I've seen several vehicles brew up in the workshop, mostly due to carelessness, and only the timely deployment of the nearest extinguisher prevented a calamity on each occasion. Including one unlucky former workmate who first got his overalls accidentally doused in petrol, then inadvertently set himself and the truck he was working on alight and then attempted to run out of the shop (long story, he received painful but amazingly superficial burns). I put the extinguishers in the vehicles not so much to protect them, but rather after hearing about a fatal accident a few years ago here, where members of the public were beaten back by heat and unable to extricate a trapped but conscious occupant from a crashed car before the initially minor fuel fire [which could have been put out with a small extinguisher] consumed the car. Bill and Erich, I've done the same instinctive "grab the red hot wire" thing. Luckily without too much personal damage. Thumbs up here for battery isolation!