26-12-2019, 06:42 PM
It ceratainly helps both parties to avoid errors, when marshaling clearly say the time you intend to write dow,n, the navvy always check what is written against the clock. I know Andy is much younger and more athletic than I am, but how anyone can do the plotting in any sort of Seven saloon defeats me. Tables at signing on tend to be reserved hours early, tartan blankets serving instead of the notorious German beach towels. At a certain Xmas lunch we found ourselves being identified as utter loonies for doing the Measham. This from a couple of chaps who do 24 hour 2CV racing! All just minor sporting eccentricities, I suggest.
I must find the
Poti or similar device to help read the forum.
I must find the
Poti or similar device to help read the forum.