23-12-2019, 11:28 AM
thanks Ruairidh I did not realise that it could be so quick from Factory, to a showroom or garage then sold and on the road in such a short time span. just to let you know I have video of your dad and some of the old time Bristol club members and their cars I took in a field in west Wales almost 40 years ago its better than old film because we have full sound on it. In those days with early video cameras you had to lug the video recorder about with you and the camera was plugged into it and you recorded directly onto a big cassette, the event we were at was the golden grove rally west wales if anyone else was there who remembers the event maybe one day we could get a few copies put onto a more usable format, be safe this year and watch out for nutters !!! Rob. p.s Ian does talk to the camera encouraged by his friend and does what Ian does and there are many well known south Wales club members recorded as well,