24-10-2019, 07:10 PM
It's a very difficult balancing act, Andrew. Whilst I agree with your sentiments the Highways Agency is charged with making the national road network as efficient as it can, within the budgetary restraints it is faced with. It is acknowledged that if you add more lanes to a motorway the traffic volume tends to increase to fill the available space, but that is because by widening or improving throughput you make the route more attractive because there are less delays. It's a vicious circle. However, whilst the eco merits of reducing travel are one side of the argument, the cost to the country as a whole and business in particular of delays caused by motorway congestion are real, quantified and sadly, becoming more inevitable.
Wouldn't it be great to be able to drive on roads like this every day...
Wouldn't it be great to be able to drive on roads like this every day...