15-11-2017, 09:13 PM
(15-11-2017, 09:04 PM)Andy Bennett Wrote: I guess this is bookshops with their bulk discounts willing to cut their margin below the recommended price, with a list price set at a level no one actually expects, or is expected, to pay. They are probably still making a fiver profit.
Happens all the time with Waterstons etc offering new books at below half list price and still making a tidy profit.
Shame as it discredits the overall process, especially with the 'special A7 discount' but, with my copy tucked up in the Xmas store, I am happy to have a copy.
When I bought yesterday they quoted a 37.5% discount, which is pretty standard wholesale discount to the trade...pre Amazon of course!
Books off the press are dirt cheap, when I published a 96 page aviation book a decade ago at £14.95 retail, it cost me £1.17p off press from Italy...I had to buy 5500 though, now of course they are printed digitally, and most publishers print around 1000 as first print, then re print according to demand.