28-09-2019, 03:03 PM
(28-09-2019, 10:28 AM)Chris Garner Wrote: Piggy backing on this thread, the Light Car and Cyclecar of September 1933 reports on a M. Lecot who DAILY drives from Lyon to Paris in his Rosengart - a distance of 745 miles. He apparently is aiming to beat his own record from last year when he covered 62,136 miles in 105 days. His regular passage along the route is now an accepted feature with people remarking " There goes M. Lecot - at it again! " A new adventure Reckless?
This is the same chap who later drove the new Citroen Traction Avant on several long distance marathon trips including the 400,000 marathon in 1935/6. Every other morning at 3.30 am he left home in Rochetaillee sir Saone and drove to Paris arriving at around noon, then he had a half hour rest and drove back home, then the next day up again at 3.30 am and drove to Monte Carlo before returning home the same day. This went on for a year with breaks to take part (in the same car) in the 1936 Monte Carlo Rally (he started from Portugal!) finishing 50th in the 75 finishers (there were 102 entries). As a further diversion in June he visited the principal capitals of Europe, including Berlin, Madrid, Amsterdam, Rome and Vienna starting of course from Paris....... I bet he was a bit tired after all this !