23-09-2019, 06:26 PM
I wonder if "Long Reach" is a actually a mistranslation of "Long Nose" or "Projected Nose", a type of plug where the threads are the same length but the electrode assembly is designed to sit further into the combustion chamber. This type enjoys some cooling effect from the incoming mixture.
I once took the Pearl to Jersey for a week's easter holiday. The weather was unseasonably horrid, strong cold easterly winds and hailstorms. Poor old car never really warmed up properly and misfired and fouled its Champion plugs. A change to some softer NGK spares improved matters considerably.
I once took the Pearl to Jersey for a week's easter holiday. The weather was unseasonably horrid, strong cold easterly winds and hailstorms. Poor old car never really warmed up properly and misfired and fouled its Champion plugs. A change to some softer NGK spares improved matters considerably.