26-06-2019, 03:03 AM
My axle stands are neither pin nor ratchet - they have an thread and nut to adjust the height. One lot were made in Auckland by the Bramley company and the other pair in the UK by "Jack Frost". The NZ ones have "for cars and light vans only" cast in the base, indicating that there has been trouble in the past. I like them because they are Old School (as we say) and are infinitely adjustable.
Back in the day I had stands which were knocked-up for me by the local wrecker. Each stand was made from two steel car wheels welded together at 90 degrees. Strong, cheap, but unwieldy.
Back in the day I had stands which were knocked-up for me by the local wrecker. Each stand was made from two steel car wheels welded together at 90 degrees. Strong, cheap, but unwieldy.