20-06-2019, 09:56 PM
Just curious but what exactly does the oft used expression banjo refer to? Am now cofused as to just which era of axle is being pondered.
I am familiar with the roller retaining peg on post 1934 axles and the need to fit when converting 1933 type to rollers.
Wyatt 3rd Editon p204 reprints a 1928 Austin publication with roller pinion bearing and no retention method is apparent.
The loading may be such as to always encourage forward. If bearing is at all recessed, can the lip be gently peend over?
Unless some teeth pass thru, it should never need replacing in anyones lifetime!
I am familiar with the roller retaining peg on post 1934 axles and the need to fit when converting 1933 type to rollers.
Wyatt 3rd Editon p204 reprints a 1928 Austin publication with roller pinion bearing and no retention method is apparent.
The loading may be such as to always encourage forward. If bearing is at all recessed, can the lip be gently peend over?
Unless some teeth pass thru, it should never need replacing in anyones lifetime!