30-04-2019, 06:56 AM
That is all very true Simon, but at the same time to recreate something to a standard that the original never was when actively raced seems wrong to me. Take the McLaren austin seven, after Bruce sold it many modifications were made by later owners, it was eventually restored here in NZ and a good deal was rebuilt and recreated to a higher standard than it ever was when Bruce owned and raced it but it at least still had a look of a home built special. That was not good enough for McLaren who then "restored" it again to such an extent it hardly resembles the car Bruce and his Dad built and raced, re writing history and completely misrepresenting the car to those who view it now, I know some will have a different point of view but I consider that a travesty. However I accept each to their own, I am old enough and been around sevens long enough to have a fair idea what is authentic and what is not but seems a shame if newcomers see cars such as the McLaren example as the model to aspire to.
Black Art Enthusiast