(20-10-2017, 05:39 PM)Colin Swinbourne Wrote: How’s the battery? My 1929 Rover (running an SU and coil conversion rather than mag.) had been a nightmare, very similar symptoms in that would tick over, but as soon as you opened he throttle it was like it was flooding with a loud hissing sound as though it was sucking air. then as you closed the throttle would splutter and stop.
A new battery cured it instantly!
This was about a year ago. The cars not been used much during the year, and when it has they have been short journeys, the same symptoms have re-appeared! Need to charge the battery and get the mag back on the car!
Thanks guys for all the replies.
Colin the battery is running down but is fully charged and it makes no difference. It certainly seemed like a carb problem but it was refurbed before I got her and my mechanic has stripped it again and reset it. I will speak to him about the float. What is the "dizzy" I never heard that term before?
(20-10-2017, 08:15 AM)Hedd Jones Wrote: Is the dizzy advancing?. I had similar symptoms on a seven of the engine refusing to rev. I coukd.make it rev by ritchening the mixture by blocking rhe intake with my hand but I was stumped. Eventually found the bob weights in the dizzy were stuck/tight.
(20-10-2017, 08:18 AM)Parazine Wrote: Sounds like a blocked jet or a blocked passage in the float bowl. Some float bowls give problems even though you take them apart and clean them - there must be hidden passages somewhere. If all else fails, try another float bowl. I think I have several spares if you want one.....
Parazine thanks for your help. If you have a float I will buy one. Can you contact me directly on pjquinn24@icloud.com and we can agree cost and posting etc.