25-01-2019, 03:21 PM
(25-01-2019, 10:45 AM)rubyman Wrote: Just what I wanted to know, I take it its the same for Ruby mk2, my petrol gauge is not working I have checked the gauge which test's out ok and live feed & earth at the gauge, so I am going to drop the tank to check the sender & wiring, unless anyone knows a better way.
Thanks for all replies
Graham in Sheffield
Although this thread is primarily concerned with the mechanics of physically removing the tank, a number of relevant electrical issues have crept in!. I suspect by now you have succeeded in removing the petrol tank, by attacking the 'U' bolt fixings. When you come to putting it back, its a good idea to run a separate earth wire between the sender unit to the earth connection on the back of the petrol gauge. It's very often not the gauge or the sender at fault, but the appallingly bad earth return path that relies on the bodywork/chassis to act as a conductor. The 'genius' who came up with that money saving concept should have been pubicly flogged years ago!

Remember the petrol gauge is not a simple rheostat (as we were probably taught at school) - there is another coil involved.
Good luck with the tank removal etc. you'll find it more dirty than difficult.