16-11-2018, 08:54 PM
(14-11-2018, 07:11 PM)ob Culver Wrote: The wiring diagrams are fine if all is original but usually end up drawing for yourself a circuit diagram. John Cornforths Ruby diagram on Dorset site does this for you. May need adapting slightly to suit earlier based.
Not all newcomers accustomed to moderns are enamoured ofSevens of any sort. What appeals to you?
Hi Bob
Thanks for the wiring advise on my Seven.
You asked a question, Why the Seven when I was originally thinking of a more modern classic?
As a child of the mid 60's and starting my working life in the early 80's around cars I always had a thing for Triumph Gt6's.
However I have a friend mad about Sevens, he has an Ulster which he trials at VSCC events and he got me hooked after a VSCC event at Prescott hill climb.
The Seven has many advantages, its simple to maintain, small enough to work on in my small garage, my 11 yr old son is hooked and I love the whole history thing.
I grew up in Birmingham, my Father worked at the 'Austin' for a while so perhaps it's in my blood.
I really would like to research the car and try to find the supplier of the body, once in a moveable position I will post and ask any members if they recognise.
It has a London registration but I've been told London registration details were last during the war?
All the best