15-11-2018, 09:15 AM
(14-11-2018, 09:45 AM)jansens Wrote: Never heard of that Timesaver stuff so looked it up. Seems like one of those things that's been around for ever (longer that Austin 7s even!) and does work for certain things very well. If I could get it I would definitely try it but of course not available locally and once you find someone who will send overseas it costs so much not to be worth while.
Its availible in the uk. Mail order. Posts the same day. Adam who sells it posts here occasionally and has a chummy amongst other stuff (including a Morris!). I think he even sells it in smaller pots to make the cost tolerable.
Its one of those things you buy. And sits on the shelf for 20years, but is a 'thing' that just saves time and hassle during fitting work.