31-10-2018, 11:47 PM
(31-10-2018, 09:24 PM)James Anderson Wrote: Must admit that my visit to the Ferguson Museum was in context of cars (it turned out to be over 20 different models) that Harry Ferguson, Tony Rolt, and Freddie Dixon converted to 4-Wheel Drive in the mid-1960s onwards including four Ford Mustangs, one of which I'm privileged to own and when I found out about his connection to Austin 7s, it was a complete and very pleasant surprise. I was also intrigued by the absence of an external filler cap(s) on his car which I thought were a fairly standard feature of the Super-Sports Models, with usually the specific purpose of racing, for the convenience of fast refueling etc. but no doubt someone will be able to shed more light on this.James - congrats on bringing these to light. What great photos. Only problem is that they are not of the Barnes car. It was a distinctly dark colour in the race and it wasn't supercharged. Hope this helps. Cheers, Bill in Oz