20-09-2017, 07:11 PM
Well somebody'd better say something....if only 'good luck Alan'....
Are we talking about the water manifold on top of the head?
Personally I'd use a blow lamp only with great caution around the cylinder block, whether it's in the car or not, for fear of cracking it. Heat the stud not the block. Some folks strike a welder arc on the end of the stud in the hope that the local heat input will loosen it. If 2 nuts locked together won't shift it I have on occasions had luck with a stud remover of this kind https://www.princessauto.com/en/detail/1...-p2925113e - sorry that was just the first example I found. I'm afraid it's more than likely you will shear at least one of them off. If this happens don't try to use a hardened stud extractor (they have been known to break off in the stud leaving you with a worse problem), but drill out and re-tap. Don't attempt to drill out with a hand drill, or even a bench drill unless you are very competent with it, but take it to a machine shop and wave 20 quid about. Otherwise Doug Woodrow's Austin Seven Manual describes some handy tools to facilitate accurate drilling, if you have a budget to get some made or can borrow them from someone. By this point taking the block off would be inevitable I think.
Good luck Alan!
Are we talking about the water manifold on top of the head?
Personally I'd use a blow lamp only with great caution around the cylinder block, whether it's in the car or not, for fear of cracking it. Heat the stud not the block. Some folks strike a welder arc on the end of the stud in the hope that the local heat input will loosen it. If 2 nuts locked together won't shift it I have on occasions had luck with a stud remover of this kind https://www.princessauto.com/en/detail/1...-p2925113e - sorry that was just the first example I found. I'm afraid it's more than likely you will shear at least one of them off. If this happens don't try to use a hardened stud extractor (they have been known to break off in the stud leaving you with a worse problem), but drill out and re-tap. Don't attempt to drill out with a hand drill, or even a bench drill unless you are very competent with it, but take it to a machine shop and wave 20 quid about. Otherwise Doug Woodrow's Austin Seven Manual describes some handy tools to facilitate accurate drilling, if you have a budget to get some made or can borrow them from someone. By this point taking the block off would be inevitable I think.
Good luck Alan!