13-10-2018, 01:54 PM
IMHO the only way to fully clean up a block and a head is to remove all the added parts, including core plugs, and place it in a bath of liquid caustic soda to which has been added around 2% sodium hydride, cooking it at 370 degrees C for several hours. This reduces all " crud " to a fine dust which can be washed out. Crankcases and aluminium casting can also be treated in the same way but the temperature can affect any previous heat treatment. I have used the process on both block and cases with 100% results.
Local to me are Lenton Treatments of Leicester who are RR certified and always most willing to help I'm sure there must be others around the country.
Local to me are Lenton Treatments of Leicester who are RR certified and always most willing to help I'm sure there must be others around the country.