I removed and re-fitted mine recently, to cut down to fit flatter tappet blocks, each one took about 25 minutes from start to finish.
I used a threaded bar, a couple of nuts, thick washer, a solid socket and a larger socket and a brass sleeve.
I used the nuts on the threaded bar to PUSH out the tappet guide - socket goes against the valve guide, gently wind this down as far as it will go, un-do, fit sleeve and keep winding, comes out nicely and little risk of damage (Woodrow suggests drifting these out...).
To put them back in, use a socket larger this time, and screw up to push it in. Make sure fully home. Alternatively, press in with a hydraulic press.
It is easier than it reads!
Need to get the guide square in, it is possible to get these crooked, but if it is going slightly out, fit a tappet block and with a spanner, the guide can be gently twisted into position.
I used a threaded bar, a couple of nuts, thick washer, a solid socket and a larger socket and a brass sleeve.
I used the nuts on the threaded bar to PUSH out the tappet guide - socket goes against the valve guide, gently wind this down as far as it will go, un-do, fit sleeve and keep winding, comes out nicely and little risk of damage (Woodrow suggests drifting these out...).
To put them back in, use a socket larger this time, and screw up to push it in. Make sure fully home. Alternatively, press in with a hydraulic press.
It is easier than it reads!
Need to get the guide square in, it is possible to get these crooked, but if it is going slightly out, fit a tappet block and with a spanner, the guide can be gently twisted into position.