04-09-2017, 10:18 AM
Included in the junk, oh, sorry rare desirable items at bargain prices we took to Beaulieu this year was some Ruby window glass, a full set minus one of the door glasses that we could not find, it sat at the front of the stall and attracted no interest what so ever. Having had a good Saturday for both buying and selling and with the weather looking bad for Sunday we decided to pack up early and move the van of the show ground before 8 o clock and have a wander around till about 10.30 then go home, not wanting to bring the glass home we gave it away, it was at this point we realised the other door glass was missing, yes it had been stolen from the stall! No great loss to us as we did not want it but there was no way we were going to bin it when it could help someone out. Well Mr or Mrs thief had you made the effort to enquire about the glass we could of probably persuaded you to take the lot for free.