19-06-2018, 01:57 AM
(17-06-2018, 11:44 AM)SJH123 Wrote: Thank you for those kind works Russell/Squeak.I fully support Squeak's comments & hope you work things out. My problem was/is similar. For months when trying to log on I was rejected - once, the reason given was that they already had a Bill Sheehan! Ruairidh tried to help me by setting up a new effort & password, but again no go. Before last Christmas I sent an email to the Webmaster and got the usual reply that they'd look into it for me. Almost 6 months later I'm still waiting. About a month ago I found I was able to Reply to other postings, but could not find where to click on to start a new submission. Then one day there appeared a panel on the page onto which one clicked to put up something new - and it worked. Since then that panel is conspicuous by it's absence again. I have had three computer-experienced people verify all this. Last week I tried emailing the Webmaster again, received the usual acknowledgement but I fear the same unfruitful ignoring of my problem. Rant over - all this to apologise in advance if I hijack other postings because I can't initiate my own. Cheers, Bill in Oz
I am hoping all is not lost - but I hadn't thought of the connotations of the name.
It is very appropriate to me and my car, being a bit of a bodger bits of the car are liable to drop off.
Years ago, Mike used to be known as "Loosenuts" Costigan, I don't suppose that wouldl get past the censor either.