15-06-2018, 10:27 PM
(15-06-2018, 07:11 PM)Peter Johnson Wrote: Which carb are you using? If it is the Zenith 22 FZ B (i.e. the Mazak rather than the Zenith 22 FZ), then the threads are a weak point. I ruined the original carb for my '29 Saloon just before the VSCC light car welsh a few years back by over-tightening one of the threads - causing a hairline crack in the Mazak.
It's probably worth checking the fibre washers on the cover nuts are not cracked.
hey there
that Mazak stuff is the devils work.... this is the brass version wasn't leaking till I took to bits sigh...... just the hick up I expweienced made me think blocked jets!