14-06-2018, 11:11 PM
hi all,
i can only guess on prices for machineing, as its been many years since ive spoken to people on this subject.
depending on were it was taken i would expect £2,000 to £3,000
paul bonewell machined one of the crankcasses for a nippy in scotland 2 or 3 years ago. but only they know what the cost was.
putting these items on the shelf machined, is not an option for me. the austin 7 world doesnt pay enough for that to happen.
as suggested above £750 is alot of money, and if i added another £2,000 to that. were do i make anything as a business
the last time castings were done from these patterns they were done by dave flake, and cost £500 to cast. and sold for £750. lets not forget that was nearly 7 years ago when we sadly lost dave. im sure castings have rissen in price sinse then.
often when things look expensive in the austin world. lets not forget, its not all profit. it is usually very expensive to get something to stick a price tag on in the first place.
i`ll try sort some pics tomorrow.
sorry to press upon you all the price of things.
i can only guess on prices for machineing, as its been many years since ive spoken to people on this subject.
depending on were it was taken i would expect £2,000 to £3,000
paul bonewell machined one of the crankcasses for a nippy in scotland 2 or 3 years ago. but only they know what the cost was.
putting these items on the shelf machined, is not an option for me. the austin 7 world doesnt pay enough for that to happen.
as suggested above £750 is alot of money, and if i added another £2,000 to that. were do i make anything as a business
the last time castings were done from these patterns they were done by dave flake, and cost £500 to cast. and sold for £750. lets not forget that was nearly 7 years ago when we sadly lost dave. im sure castings have rissen in price sinse then.
often when things look expensive in the austin world. lets not forget, its not all profit. it is usually very expensive to get something to stick a price tag on in the first place.
i`ll try sort some pics tomorrow.
sorry to press upon you all the price of things.