9 hours ago
Hi Tony,
Were you running at high speed then got a sudden loss of power and misfire ?
I have had the above symptons which cleared after ticking over for a short while.
In my case I found out that it was the carb icing up.
I strapped a digital thermometer probe to the carb and went for a drive and all became clear as the temperature plummeted, I actually managed to stop and open the bonnet to find the outside of the carb covered in frost.
It might be worth trying a carb with a slightly larger choke and jets.
The Nippy manifold has a hotspot and it still got frosted up.
My car would repeat its misfire trick at the same distance along the road from home give or take 100 yards.
Now running a semi downdraft SU with no problems
I hope this might give you additional ideas.
Cheers Richard
Were you running at high speed then got a sudden loss of power and misfire ?
I have had the above symptons which cleared after ticking over for a short while.
In my case I found out that it was the carb icing up.
I strapped a digital thermometer probe to the carb and went for a drive and all became clear as the temperature plummeted, I actually managed to stop and open the bonnet to find the outside of the carb covered in frost.
It might be worth trying a carb with a slightly larger choke and jets.
The Nippy manifold has a hotspot and it still got frosted up.
My car would repeat its misfire trick at the same distance along the road from home give or take 100 yards.
Now running a semi downdraft SU with no problems
I hope this might give you additional ideas.
Cheers Richard