Gotta be in it to win it! Use it in the way you need to - Zuckerberg is only trying to do the same to you... it's a big corporate game.
In short, you WILL get naff FB suggestions in your "feed". But don't read it, just navigate to your "groups" to see their activity just like you do the forum here. "Austin Seven" has 7500 registered. "Austin 7 Spares/cars for sale" group is also good - run by Joe Faulkner.. 4500 registered. Yes, a lot of them probably aren't active or intelligent. But interesting threads develop and answers are often quick.
In short, you WILL get naff FB suggestions in your "feed". But don't read it, just navigate to your "groups" to see their activity just like you do the forum here. "Austin Seven" has 7500 registered. "Austin 7 Spares/cars for sale" group is also good - run by Joe Faulkner.. 4500 registered. Yes, a lot of them probably aren't active or intelligent. But interesting threads develop and answers are often quick.