24-05-2024, 07:12 AM
(19-04-2024, 06:19 PM)MatthewMyerscough Wrote: Chris KC - I meant to ask you on the other thread, out of interest how did you come by it?Apologies, I didn't see your question until just now. I wish I could relate some kind of detective story but the truth is far more prosaic - I got lucky rummaging in the bottoms of cardboard boxes at autojumbles. I'd looked over the same stall at least 5 times already but went round the field one last time before heading home... It was caked in grease and dirt so I guess anyone who spotted it left it alone.
Just curious, what ratio CWP was in your Nippy axle when you acquired it?
My own experience of axle building is limited but I've done a few. You have to go through a lot of differentials before you find one with less than 4 thou run-out, and those I tried to correct by machining had only partial success. I've thought a few times about shimming them but...
As for the adjustment of crown wheel and pinion, it's tricky. The last new pair I did was very much a compromise between drive side and overrun - couldn't get both perfect. It's still running though...