01-05-2024, 02:21 PM
Only the flatlanders over Doncaster way got to see the A4s and Deltics - they were LNER. Us Sheffielders had to put up with London Midland stuff, mainly Jubilee Class steamers doing the Glasgow/London run. and latterly "Peak" class diesel electrics.
I have to admit that standing on Retford station when the Waverly express came through (on the platform) at full chat was pretty impressive. They probably don't do that any more due to H & S wokery.
One of my small claims to fame was "cabbing" the Mallard when it was still in service, at Doncaster.
I have to admit that standing on Retford station when the Waverly express came through (on the platform) at full chat was pretty impressive. They probably don't do that any more due to H & S wokery.
One of my small claims to fame was "cabbing" the Mallard when it was still in service, at Doncaster.