Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 2,447 Threads: 33
Location: Deepest Frogland 30960
Car type: 1933 RP Standard Saloon
Looks very much like frost damage to me, that crack. Nice paperweight.
Joined: Mar 2015 Posts: 5,496 Threads: 231
Location: Scotchland
This is a magneto engined head, the frost damage in that area is common, I have two just like yours!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 892 Threads: 77
Oh well, another doorstop I suppose!
Joined: Mar 2015 Posts: 5,496 Threads: 231
Location: Scotchland
Lest you feel hard done by, Ian has 200-300 l/c cylinder heads. We considered using them to make a “metalled” track into the garden, any other suggestions would be most welcome.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,656 Threads: 93
Location: Monmouthshire
Somebody should have thuoght of this. If we had all bought cyl heads, ranging in number from my scanty nine through to the Senior Dunford collection to the Centenary Celebrations a Guinness record for the greatest number of car, or motorcycle or even Little Grey Fergie cylinder heads would have been ours for the taking! If we had spread them out at Prescott to calculate the award winning area, we could have offered to leave them as a historically significant surfacing to avoid mud in the Orchard. I am sure Gemma would have been most grateful.
Joined: Mar 2015 Posts: 5,496 Threads: 231
Location: Scotchland
“One more wafer thin cylinder head Mr Creosote”?