Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 14 Threads: 3
Hopefully someone can help me on a problem with my 1931 American Austin. My motor which is a mirror image of your Austin Seven has destroyed the fiber gear on the distributor. The timing gears are now also heavily worn. I have tracked the problem down to the camshaft moving forward and backward. Travel is between a 16th and an 8th of an inch. Can anyone advise me what can be done to get the camshaft to stay in position? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks: Arnie
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,715 Threads: 47
Location: Auckland NZ
Car type: 36 Nippy, 31 RM, 38 Special, 24 Works Rep
Depends on why it is floating, clearance between the bush and gear should be 2 to 3 thou, if the bush is moving in the crankcase the locating pin can be modified to secure the bush. If you could put up pictures we could probably give you more specific advice on your own engine.
Black Art Enthusiast
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 3,453 Threads: 108
Location: Darkest Bedfordshire
Fully agree with Ian's comments above. The camshaft bush locating bolt is one that's well worth taking time to get just right. On my Nippy I had the original hole plugged and re-drilled to provide a sound joint. Ideally size the head so that it locks against the front of the cylinder block and can't come loose.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 121 Threads: 6
Good lord no!. Make the bolt iut of an allen key bolt. If you ever need to disturb it again its easy. Say to take the camshaft out. As is tightening it if it comes loose.