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I am putting together an engine for use in a special, it has a 2 bearing 1.5inch Phoenix crank, Phoenix rods and modern pistons from Tony Betts. It also has a high compression head.
A trial assembly, has revealed that my pistons protrude the deck by 8 thou. I would welcome advice on the best way to deal with this, and what clearance under the head should I really be aiming for, bearing in mind head gasket thickness etc.
Many thanks
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Sounds like you've had the block planed (or someone else has). You will need a spacer shim to go between the block and crankcase or some metal taken off the tops of the pistons. If I remember correctly the pistons should be .020" (?) below the block surface to allow for crank whip at high revs. The spacer shims are/were available at
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its more likely you are useing a base gasket that is 17 thou thick, rather than 27 thou thick.
dont waiste your money on spacers.
fit a thicker gasket, or put two in.
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Sorry to disagree with you on this occasion Tony, although what you suggest may solve one problem, personally i believe two paper gaskets (one even!) is a perfect recipe for a leaking block joint.
Black Art Enthusiast
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Perhaps a couple of silicone block gaskets would do the trick?
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Silicone gaskets are to soft for this, use a block shim coated on both sides with Three bond or machine pistons. I do a dry assembly to check this before fitting the piston rings. Terry.
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If the gaskets do not overlap does a mere .008 matter? Assuming use of a conventional gasket
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20 thou might be correct for an original 1 5/16 crank at 6000 revs. I don’t know, not done that for years. The 1 1/2 cranked race engines I’ve built all have the piston crown level with the top of the block. 30+ years since the first one and I’ve not had any problems.
Alan Fairless