Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 698 Threads: 116
I'm going to be removing the rear wheels on my Ulster rep and wonder what others do when using a trolley jack to lift the rear of the car. I'm rather reluctant to use the diff housing as I would on a modern. Can a beam be laid across the jack to hit the frame rails without fouling the prop shaft? I just need it jacked up enough that I can put jack stands under the axle, unless there is another recommended placement for the latter.
Erich in Seattle.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 629 Threads: 19
Location: Sheffield South Yorks
Car type: 1932 RN saloon
No problem jacking your A7 using diff housing. I put a small block of wood on top of the trolley jack,lifting the whole rear of the car and then slip axle stands under the axle tubes. Seems to have worked OK for me the the last 50 odd years.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 757 Threads: 13
I use a rubber pad on the trolley jack to protect the paint etc.
I lift the Type 65 either under the diff and put axle stands under the rear cross member or under the rear cross member with axle stands under the rear springs or axle.
I usually use rubber pads with my axle stands as well to save paint damage.
I have a trolley jack will will lift the car up by 30 inch's, most small trolley jacks do not lift the car high enough unless you pack them off the floor with thick timber. ( At Your Own Risk )
You need to work out what is best for your car
Cheers Richard
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,656 Threads: 93
Location: Monmouthshire
Perhaps I'm too cautious, but I've always put a plywood block on the trolley jack pad with a hole in the middle for the drain plug to sit in, so that the weight of the stern end of the car is taken by the diff casing, and not the thread of the plug.
Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 1,161 Threads: 69
Location: Nottinghamshire. Robin Hood County
Car type: Austin Ruby Mk1 1935
Hi all, I use the diff as a jacking point but put a folded rag or duster on top on the jack between diff and jack. This prevents metal to metal slip when the weight is taken up. I always then use axle stands to hold the weight before going underneath. Perhaps not wishing to teach anyone to suck eggs but reminding all never go underneath a vehicle just relying on a jack.
John Mason
Would you believe it "Her who must be obeyed" refers to my Ruby as the toy.