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Graham Baldock has recently posted on FB - the sad news that Ian McGowan has died. A provider of much concise and valuable help on all manner of Seven topics on this very forum (and who has significantly helped my learning process).
Joined: Apr 2018 Posts: 508 Threads: 129
Location: Staffordshire
Car type: Ruby mk 2
What a shock
Although I have only known Ian through the forum I very much valued his advise.
I thought of Ian as a young man
But perhaps like many of us on the forum this may not be the case.
Very kind regards and sympathy to all his friends and family
Tim Johnson
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This is terrible news. Ian was a friend of many years. RIP
Alan Fairless
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 929 Threads: 18
Location: North Yorkshire
What very sad news. Ian was a good friend and always very helpful, especially on electrical problems. It was thanks to Ian that Steve and myself have good working charging systems on our Ulsters. He participated in several of my long distance runs, particularly the Pennine Run and his cheerful presence will be greatly missed.
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What terrible news. Ian was a good and long standing friend and, as many know, his Chummy, VR 807, used to be mine. I first met him a long time ago through our mutual friend, David Cree, and we had many good times together both in the UK and in France where he and Alison had a holiday cottage for around 20 years. As Malcolm says, he was something of an electrical wizard and he was my 'go to man' for help and explanations. Earlier this year he told me that he was getting bored with being 'locked down' but at least he was still able to be involved in amateur radio, another of his long term interests.
RIP mate.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,808 Threads: 99
thats very sad news to me.
ive known ian a long wile through sevens, and supplying him with parts.
best memories are talking to him on austin 7 items, as he had a huge knowledge. especially electrical. which helped me on my limited workings of electricory.
his contributions to the forum are invaluable, im sure when people search for info in the future. his help will go on.
Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 1,161 Threads: 69
Location: Nottinghamshire. Robin Hood County
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That’s very sad news. He first came to my knowledge years ago when I needed just one 60+ piston for my Ruby. Understandably none of the suppliers wanted to supply just one. Ian had one on his shelf which had been there for years. He would not let me pay for it or even the postage. We eventually agreed on me donating the cost of piston and postage to charity.
RIP. Ian.
John Mason.
Would you believe it "Her who must be obeyed" refers to my Ruby as the toy.
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Hi All
Sad news indeed. I knew Ian first from the forum and then we met at a Scottish A7 rally in Guildtown. I bemoaned (on the forum) the fact that I didn’t have a lathe to do something on my first special. Ian immediately responded to invite me up to Shrewsbury to use his. An offer sadly never taken up. At Guildtown Ian and Alison had driven up in several stages over two days in his Chummy. He confided in me that he was going to “do it in one” on the way back. Although he knew Alison was dead against it he did drive all the way between Guildtown and Shrewsbury in torrential rain. And sent me a very nice email when he got home.
Whilst on the subject of sad news may I take this opportunity of informing the forum that three South Wales A7 club members have recently passed away. Some of you may know them.
Firstly David Blessley a founder member of our club. David was a member of the Bristol club before helping to set up the SWA7C.
Then Monica Pugsley the wife of Ray (who died in the eighties). Ray was member number one of the club. Monica lived to 106!
Finally Phil Merrills who was a long time club member and long serving member.
If anyone wishes I can email them copies of the obituaries that will be published in the next issue of our magazine.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,683 Threads: 24
Location: The village of Evenley
Car type: 1934 Austin Seven RP Deluxe
A very sad day, I have just checked in whilst on a trip to Aldeburgh, perfect Seven country if you avoid the main routes and so sad to hear about Ian who helped me out with wiring in LEDs, something I’m not to clever with and I still have print outs of his excellent guidance.
Top fella, he will be missed by many.