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Taken a while but got it all back together. The steering system has had a thorough overhaul and is smooth lock to lock with just under an inch free play at the steering wheel rim. Just need to finish a few other jobs and see what is like on the road.
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I've seen D140 and Steering box lube mentioned for replacement of grease generally after things have been cleaned out. Are there any who would wish to recommend anything else... including grease?
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Jon, SAE 140 in the steering box every time. The worm tends to wind grease up the column and eventually onto your best trousers. How do I know this? Don't ask!!
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penrite steering box lube designed for purpose.. Thixotropic according to google has the properties of a gel at rest and a fluid when a shear force is applied.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 482 Threads: 63
Location: West/North Devon England
AFMT (anti Friction Metal Treatment). Started life in USA as PROLONG. They had to prove their claims to USA government before being allowed to continue advertising and selling. Norwegian Oil industry laboratory (SINTEF) ran the tests and confirmed claims. UK MIRA also tested and confirmed.. e.g. Cam weight loss reduced due to friction wear...26.4%. In UK became SYNIONIC (partly due to undesirable results of Googling "prolong"! and partly due to chemical make up..synthetic ionic). Add 10% raw AFMT at first oil change then 5% thereafter. Use in all places of metal to metal contact and reduce friction and wear. It has a high film strength of 220,000 psi at flashpoint 550 deg F (compared with a synthetic oil of 5,000 psi at flashpoint450 F and mineral 4,000 psi at 325 F) should withstand any pressure a 7 box would have?. There is also a grease cartridge for grease guns with it already mixed.
Now run in UK by Silverline. Many grade oils used to be marketed with AFMT ready added but now giving up oil sales due to hugh diversity of oils available and consequential storage space required so neat AFMT sold and add it yourself. So use your own favourite oil and just add the AFMT.
I have used it for many years in my Skoda Yeti petrol engine/gearbox and in 3 lit V6 Scimitars, engine, axle, gearbox (with overdrive), power steering and grease nipples. Benefit has been seen in higher MPG even over having previously used Moly in them thus showing less friction. Have not actually striped down and done comparison before and after measurements but the Labs have and there are racing car firms that have and confirmed benefits (various internet sites and utube).
I have no connection with the firm other than being a purchaser of their product. So save your Austin by minimising friction.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,766 Threads: 43
Location: Malvern, Victoria, Australia
Very interesting - do the major oil companies approve the additive ?
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 2,748 Threads: 31
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A moly greses would seem very appropriate, but when it drips out the top the black mark on clothes will be even more obstinate!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,365 Threads: 34
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Car type: Race Ulster, 1926 Special, 1927 Chummy, 1930 Box
The term “snake oil” comes to mind.
Alan Fairless