Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 979 Threads: 119
Location: Melton Mowbray.
We had a retired RAF pilot in the village some years back. He flew anything and everything during his time but spent some of WW11 training pilots on Moths. Definitely a maverick, telling me the story that on D Day he, with his student, ventured out into the Channel heading for the French coast for a stooge around. They didn't stay long as he kept spotting aircraft " with black crosses on them "! Later he did high altitude testing on Spitfires and after the war converted to jets - Vampires, and the like. Retired from the RAF, he flew helicopters for oil companies in the Middle East. Proper bloke.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,808 Threads: 99
thank nick, for sheering his story.
thats a sad ending.
a lovely picture, shows how important the plane was.
a bit like the austin 7, underestimated in many peoples eyes.
and im sure although pilots of the time who were interviewed about the spitfires they flew. would have had just as fond memories of the tiger they trained in. "if asked"
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 21 Threads: 0
Many years ago I had taken our Ulster into Letchworth to do some shopping. Upon my return to the car I found an elderly gent leaning on a stick, admiring the car. After the usual comments he remarked cars were a bit like planes - not half as much fun when they had roofs on. Unfortunately I was a bit pressed for time so couldn't take the conversation further but that is one encounter that I have not forgotten.